This Month on the Muse Life

How to make the most of your July (and we like to say in upstate New York — where you'll get the 'best fourth in the north!')

Lake George/Adirondacks



  • Lawn on D is finally open again. Check out their line up of events.
  • Harvard Art Museums' next Art Talk Live is perfectly themed for summer — Edward Hopper's Cape Cod
  • I can definitely admit to some apprehension at returning to restaurants, but wow is it nice to go somewhere in the summer for a great meal. Check out Eater's outdoor dining guide for this season


Places to Wander

  • With the world opening back up, we could all use some clarity on what exactly the rules are. Travel + Leisure's recent post covers the current list. Just remember to be respectful of the citizens as many European countries have gone from lock down to fully open in just a matter of weeks, so it's been a bit of whiplash for them.
  • Tale as old as time? Time to get in the MET line 😉 Mark your calendar to travel to The Big Apple in December when the MET's Disney exhibition opens.

Things I'm Loving

  • Advancing Women Artists fantastic Art of Healing project has concluded (though I'd argue there's still awareness and work that can be done). The organization was created to preserve and find female artists' work held in storage in Florence's museums. The project identified, researched, restored and displayed the found works. Their site is well worth an afternoon spent reading all of the information they've uncovered.
  • Reading is a huge part of my life and has certainly been even more of an escape this past year. Whether you're an avid reader or just need a delightful summer read — look no further than Beatriz Williams' books. Her characters are fantastic - strong female leads, funny lines, and epic stories that cross time. Any of them are wonderful, and One Hundred Summers is a great one to begin with.

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